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Creating Custom Segments Based on Quiz Answers

For a tailored and impactful communication experience, segmenting your customers based on their quiz answers is paramount. It ensures each customer receives content that resonates with their preferences and actions.


  1. Navigate to the 'Segment' Section:

    • Find this option on the main dashboard.

  2. Select Your Quiz:

    • Before segmenting, you need to define which quiz you're working with.
    • Choose the desired quiz from your account to base your segmentation on.

  3. Create a New Segment:

    • After selecting the quiz, click on 'Create New Segment'.
    • You'll be prompted to set criteria for this segment.

  4. Define Criteria:

    • Now, choose 'Quiz Answers' as your segmentation criterion.
    • Specify which answers or combinations of answers should define this segment.

  5. Save and Name Your Segment:

    • Ensure you pick a descriptive name for easy identification later on.

Having your customers segmented based on their quiz answers paves the way for hyper-targeted and effective communication. Now, it's time to craft the perfect email flow for each segment!

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