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Creating a Service Recommendation Quiz in Quizell


Whether you offer consulting, digital services, or any other non-physical offerings, Quizell enables you to create engaging quizzes that recommend your services based on user responses. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a service recommendation quiz.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Add Your Services as Products

  • Access Your Quizell Account: Log in to Quizell and prepare to input your services.
  • Navigate to Products: Click on 'Products' from the left menu in your Quizell dashboard.
  • Add Custom Products: Select the 'Add Custom Products' option. Here, you will enter your services as if they were products.
    • Service Name: Use the 'Product Title' field to input the name of your service.
    • Service Details: Add a description to give more context about the service, its benefits, or what it includes.
    • Visuals and Links: You can also add an image that represents the service and a link to a page with more information or a contact form.


Service recommendation

Step 2: Match Services to Quiz Answers

  • Product Match Section: Go to the 'Product Match' section within your quiz editor. For a detailed guide on this step, refer to How Our Product Match Works.
  • Assign Services: In the Product Match section, you can now match your services (listed as products) to specific quiz answers. This will ensure that the quiz results recommend the most relevant services based on user responses.


By treating your services as products within Quizell, you can craft a customized quiz that guides users to the services best suited to their needs or interests. This approach can enhance engagement, provide personalized recommendations, and ultimately drive conversions for your service-based business.

Tips for Effective Service Recommendations:

  • Clear Descriptions: Ensure that each service's description clearly conveys its value proposition to help quiz takers understand what they're being recommended.
  • Engaging Visuals: Use images that capture the essence of your services or the problems they solve to make the quiz results more engaging.
  • Direct Calls-to-Action: Include direct links where users can learn more about the service, book a consultation, or take the next step towards utilizing the service.
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