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How to Customize Your Loader

To change the loader, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Quiz Editor

  • Log In to Your Quizell Account: Sign into your Quizell account and open the quiz you want to modify.
  • Open the Quiz Editor: Navigate to the quiz editor from your dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Configuration Section

  • Click on Configuration: Find the Configuration section at the top middle of the editor.
  • Select Loader: Click on 'Loader' from the left-hand menu.

Step 3: Choose Your Customization Option

Use Ready-to-Use Loaders

  • Select a Loader: Choose from our collection of ready-to-use loaders.
  • Customize Colors: You can also change the colors of these loaders to fit your brand.

Upload Your Own Loader

  • Upload File: Click the option to upload your custom loader.
  • Ensure Compatibility: Make sure your loader file is compatible with our platform.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

  • Save the Configuration: After making your changes, be sure to save them.
  • Update the UTM: We will add a UTM parameter to your quiz link with the new loader. Ensure you use the updated link.

Step 5: Update Your Website

  • Copy the Code: If you have already added the quiz to your website, go to the "Share" section in the editor.
  • Paste the Code: Copy the updated code and paste it into the HTML section of your website.

Additional Information

For more information on UTM parameters and how to use them effectively, please visit our article on Personalizing Quizzes & Forms with UTM Parameters.


Customizing your loader can significantly enhance the look and feel of your quiz or form, providing a more seamless and branded experience for your users. Follow the steps above to personalize your loader and ensure your quiz links are up to date.

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